Saturday, September 28, 2013

Little Things I Love about Honduras

-Men cutting the grass on the median with machetes.
-Strangers coming up to practice Spanish with me
-When the Honduran soccer team is playing and the entire country puts on their team jersey
-Playing in the living room with my 2-year-old “niece,” blowing imaginary bubbles
-Delicious, fresh juices I’ve never heard of before (Hibiscus? Passion fruit?)
-Waking up every morning to find fresh pancakes on the table
-When the sun sets and we can look down from our backyards and see the capital city sparkling with a thousand colored lights
-Fried plantains
-The patience of strangers who speak at half the speed when they see how lost I am
-Handshakes with air kisses
-Our bus driver who drives us a different route to school every day
-The delightful absurdity of hearing “My Heart Will Go On” every day on our bus ride into town
-Pulling into Santa Lucia after a long weekend, seeing the little lagoon and the corner market, and thinking, “Aah… I’m home.”

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